Bertha von Suttner comprehensive school Siegen – cinema for a just and inclusive world

Bertha von Suttner Comprehensive School is another institution that Andreas Wörster and Masauso Phiri visit on a regular basis. The association’s Board in Germany even includes teachers and former students of the school. In September 2019, students and teaching staff teamed up with Utho Ngathi to launch a cinema evening at the school. They screened a documentary entitled ‘Wir sind wertvoll füreinander’ (‘We are valuable to each other’), in which the association reports on its projects, visions and social commitments in southern Africa. The evening was a resounding success: not only were attendees made aware of the vital work of Utho Ngathi, revenue from tickets and the sales of drinks, popcorn and other snacks were channelled into inclusivity projects overseen by Andreas, Masauso and their team.