
Zachariah is now 46 years old. Having got to know him five years ago, we supplied him with a special new wheelchair and invited him to participate in our inclusivity project on the Soweto vegetable farm. Since then, much has changed: Zachariah has learned a lot about the cultivation and sale of spinach, peppers and chilli, he tends seedlings on his own, waters the plants, keeps grass and weeds in check and also does the pruning.

And that’s not all: his health has also improved somewhat thanks to intensive therapy measures and training. He can now stand for a while, and uses his work to enhance his mobility. Moreover, his new electric wheelchair enables him to drive to work independently and conveniently.

Determined to make an even bigger contribution to his family’s livelihood, Zachariah is currently working with us to develop a business idea involving mobile sales of drinks. Things were almost ready to go when the pandemic threw a spanner in the works in 2020. Now a fresh start is planned, hopefully in the next few months. Zachariah will continue to receive our support …

by education


people help


Therapy &

